
  • Owner: Kelly Sanks
  • Created on Jan 26, 2022
  • Access: Public (Project Space Default)
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Kelly Sanks , Sam Zapp , Jose Silvestre , John Shaw ,

TDWB-19-2: Delta experiment performed in Tulane University Deep Water Basin. Experiment evolved under constant forcings of water (0.17 L/s), mean sediment (1.41 kg/hr), and long term sea-level rise rate (0.25 mm/hr). Experiment run time was 560 hrs. Experiment used a strongly cohesive sediment that had a wide grain size distribution with a median diameter of 65 microns. The experiment evolved with marsh proxy sediment deposition. The marsh proxy was EPK, a type of kaolinite clay, and was deposited on the delta top every two-hours at an average rate of 200 g/2-hr. Experiment performed to explore interaction of delta and marsh sedimentation and resulting stratigraphy with dry topography monitored every 2 hours of run time.


Name Value Last Modified
Principal Investigator(s)
  • Kyle M. Straub & John B. Shaw
Added by Kyle Straub on Mar 28, 2022
Grant Number
  • EAR- 1848994 & EAR-1848993
Added by Kyle Straub on Mar 28, 2022
Funding Institution
  • National Science Foundation
Added by Kyle Straub on Mar 28, 2022
  • Kyle Straub (
Added by Kyle Straub on Mar 28, 2022
  • Principal Investigator(s): Kyle M. Straub & John B. Shaw
  • Grant Number: EAR- 1848994 & EAR-1848993
  • Funding Institution: National Science Foundation
  • Contact: Kyle Straub (

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