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Yinan Wang ,

TDB-10-1: Fan-delta experiment performed in Tulane University Delta Basin. Experiment evolved under constant forcings of water (0.451 l/s), sediment (0.011 l/s), and sea-level rise rate 5 mm/hr). Experiment run time was 78.2 hr. Experiment used non-cohesive sediment that was 70% by volume well sorted quartz sand with a median diameter of 110 microns and 30% by volume crushed coal with a median diameter of 400 microns. Experiment performed to explore autogenic sediment transport and stratigraphy with topography monitored every 2 minutes of run time.


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Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
Upload Path
  • /,2015:RO_9qA7DY_sqbRy9XxQrsGGhA/data/TDB-10-1
Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
Originally Uploaded By Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
Metadata on Original
  • {"Rights":"cc-zero","Identifier":",2015:RO_9qA7DY_sqbRy9XxQrsGGhA","Publication Date":"2017-03-22","License":"All Rights Reserved. Access Controlled through SEAD Project Space"}
Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
Experiment Site
  • Tulane Sediment Dynamics Laboratory
Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
Original Creation Date
  • 2014-10-23T18:21:00.666Z
Added by SEAD Migrator on Mar 30, 2017
  • Contact:
  • Upload Path: /,2015:RO_9qA7DY_sqbRy9XxQrsGGhA/data/TDB-10-1
  • Metadata on Original: {"Rights":"cc-zero","Identifier":",2015:RO_9qA7DY_sqbRy9XxQrsGGhA","Publication Date":"2017-03-22","License":"All Rights Reserved. Access Controlled through SEAD Project Space"}
  • Experiment Site: Tulane Sediment Dynamics Laboratory
  • Original Creation Date: 2014-10-23T18:21:00.666Z

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